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The Ocho Spirit

Meet the Team Behind Ocho

We believe that there’s zero value in hiding behind the scenes. 

A large part of our recruitment responsibilities require us to get out there and connect with wonderful people from all over Europe.

As such, we want to take the time to introduce you to the brilliant team that makes up the heart of Ocho. Our personality makes us shine.

Meet Aaron, Head of Contract Recruitment at Ocho 

Director Aaron is taking on a new role as Head of Contract Recruitment, leveraging his past successes at tech specialist Neueda to elevate Ocho in Northern Ireland and the UK.

Over the years, he’s developed a vast amount of experience in headhunting and was able to support a previous employer scale from start-ups to large enterprises. This impressive accomplishment was supported by his in-depth knowledge of the technology sector (where he started his career).

“I quickly realised I wasn’t on the right path as a Software Engineer. Everyone around me seemed a lot better at doing the job than I was. Following an accurate observation made by my now-colleague Ryan during an interview, I found my way into recruitment.

He hasn’t looked back since. 

“I genuinely adore working at Ocho. I’m part of a wonderful team and we complement each other perfectly. Recruitment can be a tough gig, but the people you work with make a big difference.”

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Ryan, without a doubt.

Who has the best taste of music?

Everyone’s going to say to themselves… I like mine, I’m an old soul.

Who brings the best lunches?

Me. I’m living on chicken stir-fries.

Meet Phil, Director and Principal Technology Recruiter at Ocho 

As one of our self-proclaimed “veterans”, Phil is an absolute powerhouse. 

He has a mixed background consisting of marketing, technology and recruitment experience, allowing him to bring in-depth insight to Ocho. He loves the work he does (even after 18 years!) and can often be found networking with new businesses. 

“I love supporting start-ups as they find their feet and establish themselves,” Phil expressed, crediting this as one of his favourite things about working at Ocho. “When we started, we saw an opportunity to provide an unprecedented level of care.”

Before moving jobs, Phil wasn’t a fan of the transactional behaviour demonstrated by other recruiters in the industry. He’s glad that he’s now in a place where he can make a difference. “I love challenging the status quo.”

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

It’s between Ryan or Aaron

Who has the best taste of music?

Me! I love rock.

Who brings the best lunches?

Kamila. Her food is always very healthy.

Meet Ryan, Director and Principal Technology Recruiter at Ocho

Ryan worked for another recruitment company for twenty years before joining Ocho. He wasn’t a fan of the existing processes in the industry and jumped at the opportunity to do better. 

 “I knew there needed to be a different approach. By combining old-school, tried-and-tested strategies with AI-powered technology, Ocho always delivers.”

 He also believes that the firm’s recruitment success is entirely down to the commitment shown by his colleagues. “They are incredible and so, so dedicated.”

 When talking about his entrance into recruitment, he shared that he struggled after leaving University. “I couldn’t find my place. I don’t want others to experience the same thing. As long as I can give someone an advantage for securing a job, I’ll be proud.”

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Phil. He has the best laugh!

Who has the best taste of music?

Brendan. He likes the Weeknd.

Who brings the best lunches?

Me. I always treat myself when I’ve worked hard.

Meet Kamila, Technology Recruiter at Ocho

When she first moved to Northern Ireland from Poland in 2019, Kamila decided to pursue a marketing degree. Fresh out of University, she secured herself a job with a unicorn start-up focusing on Software Development and fell in love with the technology industry.

Determined to continue her studies and learn more, she signed up for additional courses and - because of her passion - soon found herself working with Ocho.  

“I get to wear a variety of different hats here, which is amazing. I support candidates and clients and enjoy all the different aspects of recruitment.” Kamila adores her role and, despite the challenges of participating in a fast-paced environment, is motivated to further her career. 

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Phil. He’s always in a good mood.

Who has the best taste of music?

Aaron. We speak about music a lot.

Who brings the best lunches?

Mine! I try to eat healthy.

Meet Colin, Principal Technology Recruiter at Ocho


Although he has worked in recruitment for a long time, Colin’s particular interest is Tech. He decided to specialise about five years ago and has been thriving ever since.

Having only very recently joined Ocho, Colin is already thriving in his new role. He can often be found learning from his colleagues in the office and imparting some of his own wisdom. 

Working in a competitive start-up was quite a big change for him, but he’s managed to hit the ground running. “My old employer had rigid systems already in place but I like that I’m a part of shaping Ocho.”

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Aaron. Ryan, Phil, and Naomi are close runners-up, though.

Who has the best taste of music?

Kamila was sharing a Polish DJ the other day, so I’ll go with her. 

Who brings the best lunches?

Ryan. He knows every restaurant in Belfast.

Meet Naomi, Senior Technology Recruiter at Ocho

Even though she’s a complete natural, Naomi wasn’t always a recruiter. 

At the very start of her career, she was working in the legal industry but it didn’t seem like the right fit. She needed to be somewhere more interactive, engaging, and personable… recruitment loudly called her name.

Before moving to Ocho, she was employed by another agency for three and a half years. This is where she met Ryan and Phil. When they branched out on their own, she was invited to join them on their new venture. 

At the moment, she is tackling a little bit of everything for Ocho. She concentrates the most on recruiting in Front-End and Back-End Development but is always ready to connect with other candidates. 

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Brendan always makes me laugh.

Who has the best taste of music?

I’d have to say Ryan.

Who brings the best lunches?

I don’t like to blow my own trumpet but definitely me!  

Meet Brendan, Senior Technology Recruiter at Ocho

Before Ocho, Brendan studied Business Computer Science at University and soon landed a job in IT Security. From there, he found himself working in recruitment where he gained about 18 months of experience before joining us.

He loves the team environment that Ocho offers and is an eager participant in the collaborative culture. Developing his career is a big priority for Brendan and he sees Ocho as the perfect place to grow.

“I love learning from my colleagues.”

Who has the best sense of humour in the office?

Probably Aaron, but we’re a funny bunch.

Who has the best taste of music?

I might be biased, but me.

Who brings the best lunches?

Kamila’s are always healthy 

The Ocho Spirit

We might be small, but we sure are mighty.

We are so proud of the experienced and qualified team we’ve built for Ocho over just a few short months and are so excited for you to get to know us. 

If you’d like to find out more about our recruitment services and the value we can offer your career or business, contact us today.

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