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Tech in Recruitment: How Can We Accelerate?

Oh no. This is going to be a blog post about AI, isn't it? Not another one. Well, you can rest assured that while AI makes an appearance, it's not the only tech we explore. Believe it or not, there's more to emerging tech than ChatGPT.

Recruiting and retaining talent has always been essential for any successful organisation. As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, it's only natural that the recruitment process will undergo its own significant transformation. 

In the coming weeks, months and years, technologies and methodologies such as AI, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital marketing and data analytics are expected to continue shaping our recruitment landscape. In this post, we look at how these technologies are set to continue revolutionising recruitment and how companies can stay ahead of the curve. 


Let's get AI out of the way… 

AI has already made considerable strides in automating various aspects of recruitment, from CV screening to candidate sourcing. Now, we're seeing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants playing an increasing role in engaging with potential candidates, answering their queries and even providing personalised recommendations. 

These AI-driven systems can quickly analyse vast amounts of data, enabling recruiters to efficiently identify the most suitable candidates. We use it at Ocho to help us access those hard-to-reach passive candidates that are in the market, not necessarily on the market.

AI should be used as a recruitment tool that automates laborious tasks and opens up new opportunities rather than replacing good old-fashioned human interaction. Ideally, you don't want a client or candidate's first connection with a company to be via a robot. 

It must also be said that any AI tools require extensive research and an awareness of the drawbacks. For example, there's a question mark over how ethical machine-based decision-making is right now, which means you need to keep an eye on the results it produces to ensure they align with who you are as a business and what you're trying to achieve talent-wise. 


VR and AR

This is where it all goes a bit Ready Player One (or Tomorrow's World, depending on your age). VR and AR have the potential to revolutionise the way companies evaluate candidates' skills and capabilities. We're talking about simulating real work scenarios that allow recruiters to assess problem-solving abilities and cultural fit within an organisation. This is especially helpful for highly technical roles requiring employees to work off-site or in the community. 

With remote work on the rise, VR and AR can effectively create immersive onboarding experiences for new hires, enabling them to familiarise themselves with the company's culture, environment and processes before their first day on the job. 

Just looking at the hardware alone, you can probably guess this technology requires significant investment. And that's before software tailored to a business has been created. As fantastic as AR and VR is, it's likely reserved for big employers with big budgets for the time being. Anyone who's dabbled in VR gaming will know the tech, while not brand new, continues to hold its value – probably because it hasn't experienced global mass adoption (yet). Time will tell whether AR and VR will become the norm in our lives and recruitment or whether it's heading in the same direction as 3D TVs…


Digital Marketing

Now for something a bit different. Digital marketing techniques, such as social media advertising, content marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO), have been valuable recruitment tools for some time, particularly when it comes to candidate attraction and building brand awareness. 

Not long ago, the accessibility of digital marketing tools was heralded as the end of the recruitment industry. Why would you work with a recruiter when you can do it yourself? You've got all the tools at your fingertips, and most of them are free! Yeah, we've also got the wherewithal and tools to grow and hunt our own food, but…Tesco.

Our 'end is nigh for recruitment' eye-rolling aside, by integrating digital marketing strategies into recruitment efforts, companies can strengthen their employer brand and attract candidates who resonate with their values and goals. 

As previously mentioned, one of the largest employment trends of 2023 is hybrid or remote working. It means that, for some employers, the digital world provides the only opportunity to connect with both potential and current employees. It places a heavy burden on digital marketing to communicate all of the key messages about a company to both attract and retain talent. Comms must be frequent, consistent across all channels, provide a seamless journey for candidates and, crucially, help a company stand out from the competition. It's a huge task and is why we've seen many companies and employers invest in marketing CRM systems, like Hubspot, Campaign Monitor and Salesforce Marketing Cloud. 


Data Analytics

It's not the sexiest part of recruitment but arguably the most important. Data analytics play a pivotal role in enhancing overall recruitment efficiency and effectiveness. By leveraging big data and analytics tools, companies can gain valuable insights into talent acquisition trends, identify workforce skill gaps, and make those all-important data-driven decisions. 

Predictive analytics can help organisations forecast future talent needs and proactively build talent pipelines. Plus, analysing recruitment data can help uncover biases, optimise hiring processes and improve diversity and inclusion efforts.

As with any of the tech tools mentioned, if companies really want to harness the power of data analytics, they need to invest both time and money. You need a good grasp of data, or someone in your business who does, as well as a robust applicant tracking system (ATS), analytics software (Google Analytics is top-tier and completely free) and processes in place that ensure data privacy and security at every touchpoint. 


What's next? 

We can't ignore it; AI's the big one. It's got the potential to shape how every industry operates in the future, so it's definitely the one to watch. As champions of AI for some aspects of our business, our advice to anyone is to get close to it. Understand its capabilities and follow the latest developments. The more you ignore it, the less you'll be prepared for any major changes in your career and your life. Plus, as you work with AI (even if you're just having a dabble with ChatGPT), you'll start to uncover its weaknesses and shortcomings. Trust us, despite the headlines suggesting it will take over the world, it's not always that clever. 

The future of recruitment lies in embracing emerging technologies that facilitate efficiency, accuracy and enhance the candidate experience. To stay ahead, companies must adapt to these changes by investing in tech, upskilling their HR and talent teams and fostering a culture of innovation. By leveraging these technologies, companies can streamline their recruitment processes, make informed decisions and ultimately build a talented workforce that propels their growth and success in the digital age. And isn't that what we all want? 


Want to know more…

…about how Ocho applies the latest technology in our recruitment processes? Or just fancy connecting with a decent tech recruiter? Drop us an email at 


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